Для коллег-гуманитариев: два парня с департамента английского языка университета Пенсильвании Andrew Byers и Francesco Crocco собирают тезисы в книгу по культурному влиянию РПГ на «жизнь» call-for-papers.sas.upenn.edu/node/55852. Если у кого есть контакты с нашими учеными от полевых игр имеет смысл поделиться — им может тоже быть интересно. Темы и условия:
* The social and cultural influences of and responses to RPGs from the 1970s through the present
* The influence of RPGs on other types of games and entertainment, including videogames, massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), live-action role-playing games (LARPs), collectible card games, and the like
* Representations or adaptations of RPGs in literature, film, or other media
* Educational or pedagogical uses of RPGs or RPG elements
* Role-playing approaches to counseling and therapy
* RPGs in military and corporate worlds
We also welcome other topics that show a clear connection with these themes.
Please send proposed abstracts of 250-500 words, along with a brief (250 word) biography and C.V., in either *.rtf (rich text format) or *.doc (MS Word document format), to editors Andrew Byers and Francesco Crocco at rpgbook2014@gmail.com by June 1, 2014. If accepted for the collection, completed essays of 8,000 to 10,000 words will be due by January 1, 2015.
Язык, понятное дело, английский.